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"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. " -- Peter F. Drucker
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Benefits of Registration

Today is Tuesday, January 21, 2025


There are innumerable benefits in being a member of SCHEMBRIONICS. Schembrionics offers you the 'Best value' for the time you spend on its Website.


When you become a member of SCHEMBRIONICS, we will create an account for you. Every time you log in, you'll be able to review everything you've done on the site.

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The Schembrionics website contains valuable resources designed to help you. By becoming a registered member of the Schembrionics website, you will have complete access to all these resources.

Use Your Native Language To View These Web Pages

Schembrionics gives you the option to view these web pages in your native language.
When you accessed this website, your browser language was automatically detected and the web pages were translated into your browser language.

If auto language detect was not implemented, you can manually select your native language.
Place your mouse over the yellow button "Select Your Language", to choose a language in the drop down menu.

Alternatively, you can click on the yellow button to diplay all the languages available to you.
Click on your language and the translation begins.
Whenever you view another web page, it will automatically be translated for you into your selected language.

If ever there is a page error, or the web page seems frozen, simply click anywere on the web page, or, click anywhere on the web page and then refresh the web page.

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One unique feature of Schembrionics is that you have the ability to actually "Hear" many of the articles, if you do not want to read them.
This will also assist those who may be seeing impaired.

You can listen to the web page in any of the following languages.
- English (Default language set).
- Italian (Italiano).
- Spanish (Espanol).
- Catalan (Catala).

To listen to the web page you proceed as follows:
1) For translated pages, under the speech box option, you will see a drop down language menu.
2) In the drop down menu, select your language to listen to if it is listed, or else you cannot listen to the web page.
3) When you have selected the language, click anywhere on the web page to set the language.
4) When the language has been set, place your mouse over the option box (turns red) and click this box.
5) An mp3 audio file gets created, and when completed, will play the web page via you computer speakers.
6) You also have the option to download this mp3 file so you can listen to the web page at any time you want.

If ever there is a page error, or the web page seems frozen, simply click anywere on the web page, or, click anywhere on the web page and then refresh the web page.

Receiving Updates 

When you add your email address to our mailing list, you'll receive updates about new Schembrionics features and be among the first to be notified of special Schembrionics promotions. You will also receive periodic information about what's going on at Schembrionics. Under no circumstances will your email address be shared with third parties. We value your privacy.

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Sun in Aquarius
29 degree(s)
Moon in Libra
27 degree(s)
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21 day(s) old

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