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Home > Blood Alcohol Content Calculator

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Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Calculator Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Tuesday, 13 September 2011 21:55

This calculator helps you figure out what your blood-alcohol content would be if you drank a specific number of drinks over a certain period of time. Remember, this is just an approximation. Your blood alcohol level is affected by a number of factors including your age, weight, gender, time of day, physical condition, food consumed prior to taking a drink, other drugs or medication taken, and your tolerance level.
Results are not necessarily completely accurate, and it should not be used as a substitute for a pharmacalogical test, which can give an accurate blood alcohol level.

This calculator assumes the legal limit for driving is 0.08% and 21 years old. Please note that the legal limit for driving may vary depending on state/country and your age.

BAC calculators are merely an estimate. A breathalyzer or blood test is the only way to have an accurate measurement.

This is in no way purported to be a guideline for how much you can drink and still drive or avoid being arrested!!!!!!

How To Use The BAC Calulator

First your tolerance is determined:
1) For your "Weight" use the drop-down menu to select either "lbs" or "kg" and then enter your "Weight" into the box.
2) Use the "Sex" drop-down menu to select your gender
3) Use the "Metabolic rate" drop-down menu to select what type of drinker you are.
4) For the "Elapsed Time" enter the hours (hrs) and minutes (min) that you have been drinking.

Next your Total Consumed Alcohol is determined:
5) Use the "Type" drop down menu to select the type of alcohol.
6) For the "Percent alcohol" click on the box and change it to the alcohol percentage in your drink.
Typical percentage are shown below:
- Beer (12 oz bottle or can) ~ 4 - 5%
- Wine (4 oz glass) ~ 15 - 30%
- Liquor (1.5 oz shot) ~ 30 - 50%
- 80 proof alcohol is 40% (Proof is double the precentage)
7) Use the "Total servings" drop-menu to first select the drink container and then enter the number of drinks you have had within the time frame that you have been drinking.

Now Calculate Your BAC
8) Click on the "Add This Alcohol To Total" button
Note: If you want to do another separate calculation, you must first click on the "Clear Alcohol Total" button or else it will add your total servings to the previous total servings. 

You will be shown what your BAC is based on the amount of time you have been drinking.
You will also be shown whether it is safe to drive (assuming a legal limit of 0.08%)
You will also be shown the amount of time required before you are sober again.
The results will also be displayed to you graphically.

Determine Your Tolerance Results
  • Your estimated BAC is not available yet
  • Your estimated time to drive is not available yet
  • Your estimated time until sober is not available yet
Metabolic rate:
Elapsed time: hrs min
Determined Total Consumed Alcohol
Percent alcohol: %
Total servings:
Alcohol History
[no alcohol added]

BAC Chart Values

0.00 – 0.03% Normal behavior, no impairment
0.03 – 0.06% Mild euphoria and impairment; decreased inhibitions
0.06 – 0.10% Buzzed, euphoric, increased impairment
0.10 – 0.20% Drunk, emotional swings, slurred speech, nausea, loss of reaction time and motor control
0.20 – 0.30% Confused, nauseated, poor mentation, blackout
0.30 – 0.40% Possibly unconscious, unarrousable, loss of bladder
 function, risk of death
Above 0.40%           Unconscious, coma, impaired breathing, risk of death

Alcohol Limits

mg\ml of blood     Percentage Legal Levels
0 mg/100 ml 0 This is the only safe BAC level
20 mg/100 ml 0.02 The BAC limit for drivers in some countries
50 mg/100 ml 0.05 The BAC limit for many countries (approximate)
80 mg/100 ml 0.08 The BAC limit for most countries (approximate)
100 mg/100 ml 0.10 The BAC limit for drivers in almost every country is no higher than this
300 mg/100 ml 0.30 At this level most people will lose conciousness
400 mg/100 ml 0.40 At this level most people will become comatose and may die

Alcohol affects everyone differently. If you rarely drink, you could be severely impaired by a single beer. For the most part, by the time you feel drunk, you're well past the legal limit.

In some cases it may take up to 30 minutes after the last consumption of alcohol for an individual to reach the highest blood alcohol concentration. Additionally, a person’s ability to drive may become legally impaired at a point below the legal BAC limit.

For normal social drinking, the highest BAC is usually achieved within 30 minutes of completion of consumption, though it could take up to 60 minutes. When large amounts of alcohol are consumed over a short time, or when a large quantity of food is eaten with the alcohol, the absorption may continue for up to two hours after last consumption.

A person's weight and sex determine the total volume of body water and consequently the BAC obtained upon consumption of a particular quantity of alcohol. Generally, the more a person weighs, the larger the volume of body water and the lower the BAC obtained from the consumption of a given amount of alcohol.

A female may have more fat tissue than a male of the same weight and therefore a smaller volume of body water. As a result, a female may obtain a slightly higher BAC upon consumption of the same quantity of alcohol as a male, all other factors being equal.

The number of alcoholic drinks consumed should never be your only criteria for determining if you are ready to drive. You must evaluate if  drinking has decreased your ability to drive, which can occur as early as the first drink, especially if it is accompanied by other factors like fatigue,  stress,  drugs, health issues (e.g.: a cold), etc.
Combined with alcohol, these factors can affect the ability to drive, even with blood alcohol content lower than .08.

In single-vehicle crashes, the relative risk of a driver with BAC between .08 and .10 is at least 11 times greater than for drivers with a BAC of zero, and 52 times greater for young males. Further, many studies have shown that even small amounts of alcohol can impair a person's ability to drive.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 14 September 2011 15:31

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