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Body Fat Calculator Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Monday, 12 September 2011 00:36

How To Use The Body Fat Calculator

1)Select your gender
2) Select what units you will be using to enter your measurements.

The measurements need to be accurate to within 0.5 cm or 0.25 inches (centimeters tends to produce the most accurate results) and should be taken as follows:

3) Your height measurement should be taken without shoes.
Click on the "Height" box and enter your height.
4) Your neck measurement should be taken below the larynx sloping slightly downward at the front.
Click on the "Neck" box and enter your neck measurement.
5) The waist for men should be taken at navel height.
The waist for women should be taken at the smallest point.
Click on the "Waist" box and enter your measurement.
6) The hips measurement is only required for women and should be at the largest point.
Click on the "Hips" box (Female Only) and enter your measurement.
7) Click on the "Calculate" button and your %Body Fat will be displayed.
8) You can clear all measurements by clicking on the "Reset!" button.

Body Fat Calculator

About The Body Fat Calulator

The Body Fat Calculator uses the U.S. Navy Circumference Method where three or four body measurements are fed into a formula to estimate the percentage of your body that is made up of fat.

When it comes to tracking weight loss, most of us rely on the scale to tell us whether we've lost or gained weight. But, a scale can't tell you how much fat you have or how much you've lost.  Knowing your body composition can ensure that you're losing fat and not muscle.  The Body Fat Calculator gives you an estimate of your body fat percentage based on your measurements.

Body Fat Categories

Women Men Classification
10 - 12% 2 - 4% Essential Fat
14 - 20% 6 - 13% Athlete
21 - 24% 14 - 17% Fitness
25 - 31% 18 - 25% Acceptable
>32% >26% Obese

Last Updated on Sunday, 18 September 2011 13:00

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