Today is Friday, December 13, 2024
Get RSS Updates Via Outlook 2007.
If you have Outlook 2007, then you can automatically receive Schembrionic updates in your email.
Open up your Outlook 2007 and do as follows:
- On your top menu items go to Tools-->Account Settings.
- You should now see the following:
- Select the RSS Feeds Tab and you will see the following:
- Click on the New... tab and you will see the following:
- Copy and paste (Ctrl+v) the URL:
and then press Add and you should see the following:
- Make sure only the box under "Update Limit" is checked and then press OK. You will then see the following:
You will see now that the RSS Feed "Schembrionics" has been added. Click on Close.
If you now look at your Mail Box Folders you will see the following:
Anytime that there are any new news updates, you will automatically receive them in your Schembrionics folder.
Get RSS feeds in Outlook 2000/XP/2003 and Outlook Express
Only Office 2007 has a built-in feed reader that you can use to access and organize your RSS subscriptions. To access RSS feeds from within earlier versions of Outlook, you need the free utility, RSS Popper.
You can download it at:
Once you have the plugin installed, you’ll see a new folder called RSS in the All Mail Folder. You can access the folder quickly by pressing CTRL + Y and then hitting R followed by Enter.
With RSS Popper, there is no need to use a separate program for reading RSS for Outlook and Outlook Express.