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How To Create FB iFrames E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 03 June 2011 06:41

 Today is Friday, February 7, 2025

Facebook has shifted away from the old FBML model within Facebook Pages to iFrames as part of the roll out of the new Facebook pages. While Facebook indicates that current Static FBML and FBML tab applications will continue to function for now, it strongly encourages everyone to move from FBML to using iFrame applications.

The good news is that the iFramed Web page, because it isn't hosted on Facebook, can use standard HTML, CSS, and JavaScript like any other Web page does. This means you need to know something about creating web pages and also have a website, which really is not that hard.  Once you have created the web page, you can then create your iFrame fan page.

The video below will show you how easy it is to create an iFrame Page on facebook.

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Last Updated on Friday, 03 June 2011 10:12

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