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How To Combat Bad Bots
How To Combat Bad Bots - How To Query An IP Address Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 04 July 2012 23:18

How To Query An IP Address

Subscribers to Schembrionics can go to the "IP/Location/Speed/Weather" menu and click on the "Find ISP Provider For Any IP Address" link to query any IP address.

To find the allocation information for a specific IP address, the query is done first using the ARIN whois server. If the IP address is allocated through any of the other registries this information will be reported by ARIN. Another lookup will then be required to locate the actual data.

It is important to remember that although a bad bot might have a single IP address, this may be only one in range of IPs.  This means that although you may block the IP address, the bad bot can use other IPs to access your site.

Let us look at

What we do first is go to the Find ISP link, enter the IP address and Submit to get the following:

We see that the registrar for is APNIC.

We thus need to query the APNIC database to get more information by clicking on the "Click Here For More Data" link to get the following(relevant information shown only):


We now know that is actually part of the allocated range to

This corresponds to a CIDR of

We also see that the IP range belongs to Beijing Baidu Netcom Science and Technology Co., Ltd., located in China.

We are therefore looking at the Baiduspider bot.


Let us now look at IP address

Using our Find ISP link we get:


We see from above that is part of ARIN.

The ISP is dotnetdotcom.org located in the US.

The associated IP range is -

The corresponding CIDR is

If you Google the IP address you will see that it is the Ezooms bot.


Lastly let' look at IP address

Using our Find ISP link we get:




We see that the registrar is RIPE.

However, in this case we are also given more data on

We see that the owner is Seznam located in the Czech Republic

The allocated IP range is -

The corresponding CIDR is

We are therefore looking at the SeznamBot.



Last Updated on Thursday, 05 July 2012 08:37

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