August 4, 2011
Schembrionics Geolocation Services
Schembrionics is pleased to announce its' inclusion of geolocation services for both visitors and subscribers.
Geolocation in general is the practice of determining the physical, real world location of a person, device or subject matter using digital information processed through the Internet or other electronic means of communication.
A growing trend in geolocation is deriving the city and region from which a person is or has connected to the World Wide Web by using their device's IP address or that of a wireless access points, such as those offered by coffee houses.
Another form of geolocation involves utilizing the location based on longitude and latitude coordinates.
Schembrionics Geolocation places a greater emphasis on determining a meaningful location (e.g. city, region and country) rather than just a set of geographic coordinates, which are also supplied.
The Schembrionics geolocation data includes information such as country, region, city, continent, latitude, longitude and timezone of the user.
Other deeper data sets also determine other parameters such as domain name, connection speed and ISP for subscribers.
When a visitor visits Schembrionics, the device's IP is detected and the visitor is greeted with the home country displayed.
If the visitor does not login, they still have the option to be able to translate any IP address into a geolocation.
If the visitor is a subscriber and logs into Schembrionics, the device IP is detected and the subscriber also has the option to view their IP address and all associated geolocation data automatically.
At Schembrionics, our goal is to make every visitor have an enjoyable experience on our website.
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