August 4, 2011
Local Weather Forecast
Schembrionics is pleased to announce the automatic local weather forecasting for all subscribers.
Subscribers can now be ready for any local weather situation.
Are you planning an event, but unsure if the weather will cooperate?
Now a subscriber can check their local weather while surfing the net.
Subscribers will be able to view the four-day forecast, including the expected highs and lows for each day.
When a subscriber logs into Schembrionics, their geolocation information is detected.
Using this information, the local weather forecast for the visitor location is automatically displayed.
With one click of a button, the subscriber's local weather forecast is displayed without having to input where they are located. This applies to any world location.
At Schembrionics, our goal is to make every visitor have an enjoyable experience on our website.
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