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Home > News Update > Add Google Weather Forecaster To Your Website

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Add Google Weather Forecaster To Your Website Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 09 May 2012 12:45

May 9, 2012

Do you have a website or websites?
Have you thought about adding Weather Forecasting to your website(s)?

A very simple means of extracting weather information for inclusion into your website is via a much unknown Google weather API. You can retrieve the current weather with temperatures in Celsius and Farenheit, plus the four day forecast.

Enhance your site with weather from Google for any location worldwide. It's fast, easy and free!

You can add real value to your Web Site with this reliable, interactive weather page that will attract and retain loyal users.

If your visitor is planning an outdoor event, they may be unsure if the weather will cooperate? They will now be able to view the four-day forecast, including the expected highs and lows for each day.  

By subscribing to Schembrionics, you can download the Google Weather Forecaster for free!
Installation into your website can be done in two(2) easy steps:

Step 1:
Using your FTP client, upload the file to your root folder or any subfolder desired.

Step 2:
Add a link to your home page to access the file.

Even if you are not that technically inclined, installation requires no knowledge of any programming language.  Documentation is also included that explains how the Google Weather API functions in a step-by-step basis in easy to understand language.

Adding free weather forecasts to your website will increase the chances your visitors will return.

Visit Schembrionics today!

At Schembrionics, our goal is to make every visitor have an enjoyable experience on our website.

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website:   www.schembrionics.com


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